Why am I offering this? I have a blessed life. I feel truly blessed by the many, many gifts of time, talent, support and presence others have offered myself and my family over time throughout multiple struggles we have endured.It is very important to me to pass along the blessing to others and to see the gifts be passed along to still others in need.
Purpose of the Scholarship- This therapy scholarship is designed to assist new individuals in my practice, who would otherwise be unable to work with me, access appropriate therapy services and move toward recovery.The scholarships are intended to be utilized for a maximum of one year once granted.
How is the pay it forward system designed?Just as Michelle is offering her skill as a therapist to you on a scholarship basis, you, the client, you will be required to offer some service to an organization or other person in return for receiving the therapy.Each and everyone has something they can offer—the possibilities of what service/talent you offer are truly endless (work with children/the elderly/animals/organizations/your community….).The key is that you choose something you truly enjoy, something that will bring you joy in the process of giving your time & talents.
How many scholarships will be offered at a time?This will vary based upon the number of folx who have applied AND the amount they are able to contribute toward their services. . Each person MUST contribute something toward their recovery. This data will enable me to determine the number of individuals I can assist at a time as well as the breakdown of the finances. (standard fees for service are between $35 and $100) For each $20 I take of your fees you will be required to offer 1 hour of talent/service.