Hello, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself.
I'm Michelle Roling (she/her/hers) and am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist-Consultant who utilizes my skills in multiple spaces.
I have extensive experience helping others work through challenges such as: negative body image, disordered eating, eating disorders, self-harming behaviors, anxiety, depression, LGBT challenges, intersecting identities, relationships in transition, career, grief, families in transition, parenting struggles, chronic health concerns, trauma and family of origin concerns.
I enjoy working with individuals, couples and families in the therapy process.
I am passionate about group work and the healing group therapy can offer it's members.
I am both a Health for Every Body and a Body Project trained facilitator.
I am a on the Leadership Team and a senior staff member of Iowa State University’s Student Counseling Services.
In the private practice I work with clients ages 10-95.
Additionally, with my dedication toward training, teaching and raising awareness I founded this business presenting to audiences at large on topics surrounding eating disorders/self-harm, and multiple issues surrounding mental health.
I am an approved supervisor for those working toward their Certified Eating Disorder Specialist Certification through iaedp.
I am one of the co-founders of the Eating Disorder Coalition of Iowa.